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Written by Assaf Kamil who lives and breathes the cloud, server-side, frontent, DevOps. You should follow them on Twitter

  1. March 01, 2023 | AWS, NodeJs, Typescript, SQS, Generators

    By using long polling with SQS and the power of Javascript Generators, you can drastically reduce the number of API requests made to SQS and improve the performance of your applications.

  2. February 15, 2023 | Redis, NodeJs, Redis Streams, API

    Are you looking for a more reliable way to implement sliding window counters for API rate limitation in your applications? Look no further than Redis, a popular choice for this purpose. And with the counter-sliding-window npm library, you can take your Redis implementation to the next level by leveraging Redis Streams to build a more robust sliding window counter. Say goodbye to the limitations of Redis Sorted Sets and hello to a more powerful solution.

  3. February 26, 2022 | AWS

    Something you know and something you have is the base for multi-factor authentication. We already restricted our users to access the AWS console with MFA, but what about their programmable access to the cloud from their local machines?